SUNYFL owns and shall provide the following equipment to each player as a lease and must be returned by the player in good condition at the end of the season. Otherwise, the player will be financially responsible for the equipment: Football helmet and facemask. Shoulder pads. Hip pads. Thigh pads. Knee Pads. Football pants & belt. Football team jerseys. Each player shall provide the following equipment on their own: Football shoes. Teeth protector. Socks & undergarments
District boundaries are defined by the respective high school boundaries, with some exceptions made for kids attending school outside their high school boundary. These exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
You can find your district president’s contact info on your district’s page.
Before the season starts there are up to 5 practices each week, after the season starts there are 3 practices each week up to 2 hours per practice. Football is a team sport and all 11 kids on the field have a specific job to do, it is extremely important that each player attends each practice. It is mandatory to notify the head coach if your player needs to miss a practice.
Each game lasts approx. 1 ½ hours. Games are played each Saturday (refer to the key dates tab on the website) at various places throughout southern Utah, from Parowan to Moapa Valley. 3rd-8th grade levels will play on high school fields, with the occasional use of a park if needed.
Each district is always looking for volunteers and coaches. Contact your district president about volunteering. You can contact us at